fredag den 20. juli 2012

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Wednesday 18 July 2012

Evacuation plan is ready

Attic has no back stairs - a disclosure that is likely to delight my stalker.
The lack of escape worries me at times ...
What if that comes a tsunami in the entryway or the monsters in the attic trying to force entry to the attic and my fledgling ungpigekrop - cats and kids and I'll have to evacuate the cabin?
What the hell do we do when we can not get down the fort rap?
I have been thinking and now I hear!
Plan is as follows: I am running snowball Bauhaus on Saturday morning and buy a spanking heavy-duty rope.
Saturday afternoon, Miss Dahl, The Black avenger and the Red Robber reported to rappellingkursus in Mark's tower.
However, it is essential that any. accidents occur on one of these times: directly applicable after I came home from work, running or on weekends when I have relieved me from the bunk and has been online.
As soon as I get inside the door I don this outfit:

Let's just say that the seams in both the t-shirt as gaiters are tested to breaking point and that there is not much left to the imagination ... and that it will be over my fat, dead corpse, that I appear in public in the outfit.
Should the big accident happen in the middle of the night, however, I am quite sure absolutely no one would recognize me, not even my own mother could recognize me.
It may come as a big shock for those of you who know me - but I am not a natural beauty.
It takes time, long time, I say unto you, to have painted me to my usual half-withered day look!
Without make-up I look like a cross between a boy and a nasty pig, no shit. (Immediately drawn to thoughts of a younger venstrepolitker who previously had suffered little tax liability - sorry, Peter ...).
Also, I have an unfortunate tendency to to lie with one arm over his head and gets in some way, given myself a serious time Cuckoo-hair that stands straight up on my head.
I look like, no shit, a thick, improbable ugly homeless with a really bad hair day.
Rappellingkursus Maybe it's a bad idea? Hum, yes - it's probably ...
So that's why I politely but firmly ask for any. tsunami-/monstervarsler in good time for SMS, so I can manage to get patted cattle in their shipping bags, and I can manage to get the right outfit and just get patted a little flower in and be picked up by a nice animal or human health (with a severe spanking diet pills in the bag) in a Falck-lift, thanks.

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